Monday, March 28, 2005

Weekend back home...

The weekend that was spent back home was fantastic!! Esp with the celebration of Good Friday and Easter sunday. Well well, i was right when i said that it will rain on good friday! heheh....

Anyway, the talks by Mr.Khoo Oon Soo on friday (for the Good Friday service), Sat (for Easter Conference) and for sunday (Easter Sunday) was short and sweet yet very refreshing and many new insights were gained to many things.

When uncle Oon Soo spoke on the topic of service for God, he mentioned 3 principles (1)When there's work to do, be the first to offer (2) Focus on the job (3) Finish the job.
Truly i agree with him when he said that humility is a mark of true service. Well, the question i ask myself is that am i humble when i serve HIM? I was just thinking, remember when Jesus said we can not serve to gods...One is the true God and the other is money. But, might not be just can be ourselves. Sometimes, we serve ourselves by feeding our ego, making a name for ourselves....and when that happens, humility is needed! yeah lor....Humility costs something - denying of self!! Must alwiz keep in mind that God is important not myself!

Am i denying myself daily? Am i taking up the cross daily? Am i followhing Christ daily? Definitely its not easy. Well, who ever said it will be? but, if Christ died for us and raise from the dead FOR US, then is it too much to ask deny myself daily and to take up our cross daily and follow HIM daily?

and our LORd went a little further in HIS Suffering for us!! Shouldnt we too go a little further in our service for HIM???

The suffering of Jesus was complete. We all face 3 types of suffering - as did Jesus. (1) Physical (2) Emotional (3)spiritual...

Christianity begins where religions end...with the Resurrection of Christ! - that's something that we christians hold so close to our hearts. Imagine, someone so pure and holy suffering and dying for u?!! that thought alone is unbearable and now to think that HE rose from the dead is too much!!! Mebbe that is why ppl think that it's not true! But, think bout this : why would the disciples of Jesus die to protect this truth? would they die for a lie? Honestly, is there any reason at all to doubt it? It might be logically unacceptable, but is God to be limited to our small scope of mind and thoughts? to be limited to our logic thinking? Isn't He too great and big for that? and Isaiah 55:8-9 : "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways MY ways," says the LORD. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are MY ways higher than your ways, and MY thoughts than your thoughts." So, are we so great humans that we understand everything? Like tat, we can consider ourselves God as well lor!!!

anyway, it was great learning and thanking God for all the things that He has done and for guiding us daily!!!
Let us together journey in this race with HIM and let HIM guide us and lead us and let us finish the race well!!!


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