Monday, November 27, 2006


I restricted myself to no blogging for the next one week and a half because erm, I'm in the midst of exams. But, haha. It won't work. So, here I am at midnight blogging when I have a paper tomorrow. And bearing in mind that i only slept at 6am this morning, I should be extremely tired by now and if i have any sort of wisdom, would head to bed really soon!

But, something more exciting than exams calls for this post.

Earlier this year, we witness the getting together in holy matrimony of two person whom we now know as Mr. & Mrs. Cat.

Now, they are parents. I'm so excited. I told Mrs. Cat to wait for me to come back to KL before she gives birth but I guess, the kitten couldn't wait. So, I would just sulk in misery for not being able to meet the kitten any sooner. It really has been exciting. It's extremely exciting to know your buddy gave birth and is now a mother. But, it even makes me superbly happy when the new-mother, in her physical pain and emotional delight, SMS-es me to tell of the good news! How privileged I am!!! All the way to Singapore! I get the news from the mother cat!!! For those of you who can go visit her, don't! Let her rest. She's extremely tired right now and having to entertain families and collegues and church members, she really needs rest. So, do Mr. & Mrs. Cat a favour. Send the couple a congratulatory SMS and then go buy a gift and then visit them in maybe 2 weeks time. That's wisest! haha.

Wah. So exciting!!!

And then this morning I had a chance to chat with my mommy and then just to hear another good news too. But, this is family secret. Still, two good news in one day! I'm very happy!!! Can't wait to be back in KL!!!

Today is a good day. Not only because of these two things but because many other sweet and nice things happened. :) Oh my....Thank you God...


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