Sunday, November 05, 2006

Part 2

The second event would be:

Walk His Trail by Footstool Players

We didn’t do an official headcount, but the attendance was probably about 600 people. With the hall packed and with chairs in the aisles, the room temperature rose so much so that Joshua was complaining that it was warm. And well, up in the gallery, it’s always cold, never warm.

It sucked that the PA system gave problems because honestly, I had difficulty trying to even catch some of the words that people were saying – esp the newbies in the team. It’s not easy trying to throw your voice at a hall packed with 600 odd people. And, I was sitting in the gallery. So, yeah, it was a little hard trying to catch every single word.

I was pleased to see some old team members there – ie: Jon and Geri. It’s nice to know that footstool is expanding but when you’ve seen many of footstool production with Colin, Jon, Sean and Geri, you kinda have certain expectations and I guess, it’ll take some time before some of the newbies match the standards of the pioneers of footstool players. Still, I salute them for the kind of commitment each of them has put into this production. I can’t imagine the weeks and hours of rehersal and touring! Oh gosh. I’m sure they are glad it has finally ended.

Go and read about the play here.

A few things really warmed my heart from the play:

Seeing how God really brought people together. Jim Elliot and his friends and each with their wives. Seeing too that God will provide the people for the work. God will knock on each person’s heart and when they respond, they are part of a very glorious work. Sometimes, we never understand how glorious things can be.

Seeing how Jim Elliot and his friends went out of the way to love. They didn’t even get to share the gospel,(the bridge illustration way). All they managed to do was to show their love to these tribal people and they got killed for that. Out of the way. Reckless abandon to show love. Why? Because God is love. Deeply touched.

When Jim Elliot exclaimed : "I have prayed for 5 years and now they are finally opening up. Thank You God”, my heart cried out “God, I have prayed for 6 years now. When can I see them embrace you?” I know God is working. I have seen it in the lives of the people I am praying for. I continue to pray and do as I can.

How each wives struggled when their husbands are willing to die just to show love. They will be widows in a jungle, totally out of comfort zone. They went to Ecuador with their husbands and will leave without one. Struggle and struggle. But was a good reminder that God is their first love and know that God will be each person’s shepherd. There was no need to fear although fear is almost impossible in times such as those. Their struggle was so real. Never easy to let go eh? But God is my first love and I cannot forget that. In whatever love I seek for from a man, I should first seek these in God. Because God’s love is greater than a man’s love.

Jim Elliot and his friends died. Elisabeth Elliot and some people carried on the work. That was how the gospel penetrated into the lives of the Aucas. I wondered what would have happened if Elisabeth Elliot didn’t continue the work but instead wallowed in pity and go back to USA. I mean, how scary it is to face the very people who have killed your husband and even more scary to have children with you. So, carry on the work. A lesson penetrated deep into me.

To love God and His word so much. To experience Him so mightily that it compels me to give my life to Him for who else deserves such worship. To love His people. To love the lost. To have His heart as mine own. To be obedient. To be faithful.

A man after His own heart is hard to find. A man who recklessly abandons everything to show God’s love is hard to find. A man who loves God with all His heart, soul, mind and strength is hard to find too.

Full time missions, wait for me....Here i come!!! hehe....God, work something out.


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