Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Long time ago....

wah....I'm alive!! It's been so long since i last blogged and its because i've been busy. So, this is just a little update.

I can't exactly remember when i last blogged and what was it about. ;P

But anyway, things have been going on and on....But, i must first of all thank ALL those who have expressed concern over my tired looking face and my lack of sleep! I assure you that it was only a little lack of sleep and it was because i had been spending a lot of time talking to God and people concerning a few things thats deep in my heart. God has been speaking to me a lot lately and therefore it has been great. And, i'm intending to continue spending MORE time with the Lord as i know i can be pretty tired with all the running about and all that and getting strength from the Lord and don't worry! I AM getting enough sleep!!!! I am a piggie lor. How u think i can survive without sleeping enuff? i know myself and i will sleep okie!!! but thanks for caring....

Mainly, the Lord has been speaking to me about a lot of things...and its been very interesting. Of course, in the process i kinda found out that the Lord is expecting or wanting me to give up something that is very hard to. And so, its been a bit painful when i think about it but i want to give beautifully to the Lord!!! :D And i'm sure He knows that i am quite ready to give those things in, He has been preparing me for it. I just didnt see it....

But lately i've been just drawing my strength from Him and speaking to Him so much that it helps so much in the things that i do!!! :D

I met a girl today. Conservative. But as i spoke to her about the NAv's practices, it got a bit more difficult because she's like NONO to some of the worship practices. A lot of things ran through my mind but one thing that was more applicable to me than to anyone else was that God was in a way dealing with my self-esteem. I feel that i'm probably not the best person to represent the nav and go and speak to someone who wants to know so much bout our practises and such. And as we were conversing, she said this "i'm petrified".....first thing that ran thru my mind, "oh no, what did i say wrong?" hmmm.....but i went on to remember that my Lord is my confidence and He will annoint my lips lor...And, its pretty weird that God allowed her to come in contact with me instead of with someone else. And it's cool!!! And so i know that the Lord will use me!! :D Whether or not whatever i have said is in her mind, i dont know but more importantly is that she will allow God to speak to her concerning this matter!! :D

and something REALLY embarrassing happened today. I screamed real loud today because of a stupid toad. Man!!!! so memalukan lor!!!

Today we had sunset prayer. It was nice meeting up with fellow vcf-ers....didnt meet any campus crusaders tho....but still!! :D It was nice praying alongside with fellow brothers and sisters for the campus!!

Anyway, just to side track abit : Hanya masa yang menentukannya. Saya tidak mengerti. Saya tidak tahu. Saya tidak berani mengetahui jawapannya. Saya rasa takut, kadang-kala. Namun, hanya masa dan keinginan Tuhan yang akan menentukan segala-galanya. Saya hanya akan biarkan segala-galanya berlaku dalam masa tyang telah NYA menentukan!! :D


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