Saturday, October 08, 2005

I Love You...

I do not know what to entitle my post as. There are a bit of a messed-up thoughts in my head rite now.

First of all, i think i owe God a bit apology. I am very very sorry Lord! I am sorry for not being fair to you by adding the post i did last nite. And i know that in as much as what i said in there is true, but blogging when you're depressed and/or angry might not be able to express the exact and true way you are feeling.

I love the Lord.
And all i ever want to do is to live my life that is pleasing to Him.
If i ever do want to seek approval, He is the one whom i seek it from - like what adrian says : for the audience of One.
ok, of course we have to remember that we are here as ambassadors for Christ as well and because of that we have to bring ourselves around properly not because we want people to say we're good or whatever but because we know our identity - as children of God, as ambassadors for God's great big kingdom. And we want to reflect our identity to make people see what great a Father we have!

Luke 12:6-7
Are not 5 sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of the sparrows is forgotten before God. But the very hair of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.

To a large extend, God wanted to remind me again, that He loves me....Loves me waaayy much more than I think He does and way much more than I deserve.

I was doing my quiet time and these were the words i stumbled upon:

David made a choice to trust in God.
You see, what struck me is this : David made a CHOICE.

I've been hearing this from the Lord. That it's all about choices. It's easy for me to fall into depression and stay there...and be sad forever and ever....and the bad thing about it is that i can't control my feelings as much as some people do (I'm not saying that it's a good thing ar) In fact, i think it is when we are not strong, when we are vulnerable that we depend more and more on God and we know that HE can make us strong. It is when we are weak that He is made strong! So, I really have a choice to make everytime.

TO serve Him or not...
To trust Him or not...
To hope in Him or not..
TO have faith in Him or not...
To believe or not...
To be depressed or not...
To be cheerful or not...

Most of these questions are so rethoric that prolly only when we're not in the right frame of mind, i'll choose to say NO to these questions...yeap yeap yeap...

Anyway.....make a choice....

I'll quote a few verses in the bible that spoke to me today. And speaks of my cry..

Psalm 31 - it all speaks about the cry of our hearts. And you know what? As i read this Psalm, i somehow feel that it is relevant to Edgar as well. i donno why i had such thoughts but i am hesitant about telling edgar about it. I'll pray about it.

Anyway...the verses that stood out to me are:

v1- In You, O LORD, I put my trust ; Let me never be ashamed ; Deliver me in Your righteousness.
v3 - For You are my rock and my fortress; thereofre, for Your name's sake, lead me and guide me
v23- Oh, love the Lord, all you HIS saints! For the Lord preserves the faithful, and fully repays the proud person.
v24- Be of good courage. And He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord..., those were my cry!

I love you Lord!!!

One of my fav songs :

I love you Lord,
And I lift my voice,
to worship You,
Oh my soul, REJOICE.
Take joy my KING,
In what YOU hear.
May it be a sweet sweet sound in Your ear.


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