Sunday, September 24, 2006

It's beyond me...truly

It’s been a week and many things have happened in one week. So, I’m not going to tell you what happened throughout the week but if you should know, I celebrated my 22nd birthday on Friday. And if you knew, birthdays are big days for me. It was celebrated very differently this time round.

This is the first time I’m celebrating my birthday away from home, which saddens me a big deal. Plus, I had a paper on that day, which totally made it sucked anyway. And the Nav planned for a retreat starting on Friday. So, I felt like okay. No need for a celebration this year. But God is good because He knew the things deep down in my heart.

Ade, Mich, Janice, Val and Mary got together to celebrate my birthday for me. So, it was pretty fun. But wat really touched me was how they all got together to plan for it and each was in-charge of something. So, Mich baked a tremendously delicious cake for me. Ade got me BK breakfast and got me the CD. Janice got me the other gifts. Val and Mary both made sandwiches and pasta respectively. Oh my goodness. I was so touched la. It’s exam period and these ppl took time and effort to go out of their way to get stuff for me. Oh, it was so delightful! I was so pleased. I was so happy!

Then, I managed to spend some very precious time with God. Was very happy.

Yao Yao and Jeremy and Edgar then had this super funny way of presenting to me my gift. Oh boy, but I was so touched la!!! You may find this hard to believe but I can fit into a boy size jersey! Haha. Quite funny I think.

The next thing that really really touched me was the cards that Danielle and Petra gave me. Well, firstly, the cards that I received this year, though not many, were very touching ones. So precious!! Danielle’s and Petra’s card were so lovely and so touching. Oh my! I’ve felt so much of God’s love through these two beautiful girls.

And then, exco also celebrated my birthday for me. So happy.

But throughout the weekend, God really showed me that He loved me beyond what I think or even expect. I felt so much joy and so much love. God has really been so gracious to me. The things that God has been doing in my life in the past 2 years, especially so, in the past few months have been extraordinary. I am not deserving of God’s way of pursuing me but God has been indeed the lover who never gives up. And I fall to my knees to see how much God loves me. I am amazed.

I’ve been rather encouraged lately as I see friends come so much closer to the Lord. Truly, it has brought so much joy to me. When I see how God is working in other people’s life, I automatically feel so happy. Yeah. I’m just so delighted. And I am brought to realise the work the Lord is doing in my life as well, and how God has never left us alone to wander around aimlessly without a guide. I cannot put all this down in words but God is extraordinarily wonderful!

Just the way God has been using me has been a tremendous encouragement to me!

Truly, I have been blessed beyond measure.

In Christ alone,
I place my trust.
And find my glory in the power of the Cross
In every victory,
Let it be said of me
My source of strength
My source of hope
Is Christ alone.


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