Thursday, August 31, 2006

Still sick. Nevertheless, Happy MERDEKA!!

I am not only sick, I have conjunctivitis! (okay, I have not seen the doctor but from my consultation of SN David Khoo and reading up on it, I am quite certain) So, don’t shake my hand!! But more than that, pray for me. Coz it’s painful! And my eye is swollen. So, I look worse than a panda. Sigh. *cry cry*

And I’ve been spending many late nights trying to catch up on school work.

Have I mentioned anything about my roommate? She’s awesome! Jie Yao says I better not bully her. But, I’m so nice too wat! Her name is Jia Ying. She’s doing her masters now in NUS. I remember one day a few months ago when Lilian asked me about a possible roommate, and feeling it should be Jia Ying, I suggested her. True enough, she’s here! At first I was worried that language could be a barrier but it’s not. In fact, language is not a barrier at all. We care for one another. We encourage one another. We accommodate one another. We’re doing great!! I’m so happy to have her as my roomie!! She’s awesome! We spend every night talking about our day and just sharing….great times! Thank You God!!!

Okay. And I’m so happy because I bought myself a pair of earrings. I haven’t bought any earrings for myself since the month of May okay! And it’s so nice la. At least I think it is. And then, I bought one for Ade too! And I passed it to her today and she put it on. Oh goodness, it looked so good on her!!! So happy!!!!

Okay people, Selamat Hari Merdeka!!! Our beloved country is 49 years old!

I wanted to dress up today – ok, more like colour coordinate. I wanted to wear a yellow shirt, a blue berms, a red and white sock OR a red shirt (with white wordings) and a blue pants with red socks OR a red shirt, a white 3-quarts, and a yellow and blue socks.

But, I woke up late this morning and I had to rush to the library to return the RBR book. So, I didn’t had time to colour coordinate, which was quite sad but it’s okay!

Happy 49 years old, Malaysia!!!


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