Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I proudly announce that I can cook Chilli Crab!!! Erm, but still don’t know how to clean crabs. Haha… Miss out on that part. Well, still, I can cook it now! Bleah. Cooking another dish tomorrow as the Nus Nav will be holding an event to celebrate Singapore’s National Day. So, I’m cooking! Woke up late today and was so scared that the morning market would be close. Well, it’s strange that markets in Singapore closes pretty late. I remember whenever I need to go to the market, I’ve gotta get up bout 7-ish if not, don’t need to think about getting anything from the market. But in Singapore, even at 10-ish, there are still lotsa things in the market. And it’s so funny going to a market with no live animals. Of course, because of this, their markets are sooo much cleaner la. Good! Oh, and Hui Yue just expressed her desire to learn how to cook Ayam masak merah! That’s good. Haha….I’m sure she was very happy to learn that the dish is fairly easy to make. hehe

Must remember to call up my Street-e and Matric contacts to ask them whether they coming for tomorrow’s event.

Ok…now, I need your help dear friends!!!

You see, my friend suggested that I should come up with a birthday wish-list. Okay, I know my birthday is more than a month away. Hah. That’s besides the point. The point is: Should I or should I not come up with a birthday wish-list?

Pro: Avoid getting birthday presents that I already have or am not interested in or worse, something that I don’t like!

Con: Your friends get it easy by not thinking of what to get you. There is no need to put in effort to think about it. Getting a birthday gifts then becomes so meaningless. It’s just getting a present for the sake of a birthday. I would much appreciate it when people think about it and not give a no-brainer-kinda-gift.

In fact, I don’t mind not receiving any gifts – just give me your time and your sincere birthday wishes (even if it is late. But of course, you have to sound like you’re really VERY sorry that you forgot my birthday!). So, birthday gifts are secondary. Receiving something is a plus point but that’s just an additional to the time you give me and your sincere birthday wishes!

And you know, getting birthday gifts are so special. It’s about showing that person you treasure the friendship and that you care, care enough to remember that person’s birthday and wish them and get a birthday pressie. That’s why giving my friends the easy way out by having a birthday wish-list is so difficult for me. So, dilemma!

Friends, what do you have to say???


At 8:11 pm , Blogger queen shelby said...

i really dunno..
And i'm the worst person when it comes to remembering birthdays.

BUt, Samuel once told me something quite true. You cant expect to always managed to get that "WOW, just wat i wanted" kinda gift. THose are rare and lucky. So, instead of getting things u know u dont want, i dont mind the list idea. And anyway, doesn't necessarily mean we HAVE to follow it what..If i as a friend think you'd like this or that, i'd still go ahead and buy it...

At 12:57 pm , Blogger -- J e e L e e -- said...

Yeah, I know you don't always get the gift that you've always wanted. Most of the time, when you peel off the wrapper, you'd most probably get a "Ahh, nice!" Maybe a Unwanted-Birthday-presents list would be good too. haha...Of course it don't necessarily mean that people HAVE to follow it. But, I'm evil and I want ppl to think more, crack their brains a bit more just to get what they think think I'd like. Then again, not many people know what I like and what I don't rite? ya. Thinking abt it now may be too early since my birthday is so far away - end of September u know! ya.


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