Wednesday, October 04, 2006

God is VERY good la....

My toe has a blister! This sucks. So, today I was walking around school with a blistered toe. Thankfully it didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would.


Today has been extremely encouraging.

Noon time I was at Nav HQ listening to this guy from Operation World tell us about the state of the gospel penetration to the world. It was really eye opening. It was really good because through the presentation, I see the needs, I see what can be done – I see what I can do. I see what I need to do. It was extremely encouraging. Gloria asks me, “so what did you take back from the presentation?” And I exclaimed, “India!!!” haha…Yes, India.

But at the back of my head, I hesitate. Why do I hesitate? Because throughout the year, I’ve had nightmares that makes me not want to go to India. And also my heart for the sons and daughters of Ishmael has increased and oh well, I’ve always think that this heart means that my mission field would be in Malaysia. I mean, my own country needs missionaries and I’m a citizen. What a better privilege than that right? So, once given that privilege, use it!

Then, I went for another talk organised by VCF. And one thing the guy said struck a very hard cord in me. He said “sometimes the devil tries to hinder us by painting nightmare pictures”. Wow! That could be exactly what the devil is trying to do. I’ve thought of that before but I am too scared to think about it too much – think about whether the nightmares I’ve had are the devil’s way of hindering me to not want to go to India. So, after he put it that way, it was like “That’s it! That’s exactly what the devil is trying to do with all the nightmares” (I’ve had one recently again!) Because, I remember very clearly having a burning desire to want to go to India and then the nightmares came and then, almost immediately, the desires vanished and I don’t ever want to go into India to do missions. Talk about fear. Talk about the devil’s work. It should have been more obvious to me earlier.

I’m not saying that I’m confirmed and very sure that India is the place God would want to send me too. But for now, I’m very interested to go to India again. The passion is back. The desire is back. Because now that I’ve recognised the work of the devil, I’ve recognised the fear he was planting in me. I’m going to face it and I’m going to stare at it in the face and fight it!

Have you ever shared the gospel with someone and then that person says “I cannot accept it but thank you for sharing with me. I am really very inspired”? I had a girl say that to me today. It was very interesting because I normally hesitate to share the gospel with people whom I don’t have very established friendship with. But today, I felt I should share. I felt compelled to share and so I did. It was really very interesting because we talked for a very long time and it was very encouraging to me because I saw with my own eyes (maybe the eyes of my spirit) that there was a change – before and after the sharing. She wasn’t as defensive as she was at the beginning. It was really cool. And when she thank me, it was like “woah. Are you really thanking me?” And when she said “I am really very inspired me”, I was like “Woah. God, thank You!!!”

God is very good la…..

Today is my free day. And I met up with so many people….Am so exhausted from the running around done today. So tired. But totally fulfilling. I’m so happy. I’m so filled with joy.

Thank You, LORD. It’s truly very humbling that You would use even me. Thank You!!


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