Monday, March 13, 2006

All is well...

I'm feeling rather unrested.

Presentation went on quite well. Quite happy! Had dinner with Terence, Hsien Xiong and Kelvin. Rather disturbed from then onwards. I guess, seeing people who live their lives without God and sort of without an eternal goal in mind was rather disturbing to me. I guess this is what Jesus meant when he said, "I came to give you life that you may have it abundantly!" I see their attitude towards each other and towards other things and that really made me shrugged.

It feels so weird.

I guess to a certain extent, I know why God allowed me to have dinner with them (and me being the only girl). God wanted to show me that really guys without God are not attractive to me although in worldly sense they might be. But because they do not have Jesus in their lives, they really have no attractive power. Inasmuch, in themselves, they are pretty charming but when I go beyond that and look deeper into the friendship and their lives, I find myself lost. There's nothing deeper. That's really quite superficial.

Matthew was very kind today. The first super gentleman i met here in Singapore is Noel. Second would be Matthew Tay. Really! Today I went to class and Clement was talking to me. So, i walked down the LT and I decided to sit next to Matthew since the seat next to him was empty and clement was sitting below him. Then, I dropped my pen. So, i was already getting ready to pick my pen up when Matthew reached his hand out to pick my pen up for me. Waaaah...It was definitely much nearer for me to pick it up but he did it for me! I was so touched lor....He went out of his way to help someone! :)

God, you have been very good.....


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