Sorry for disappointing
It made me feel like a small girl. Those kind of girl who gets upset over petty issues, and to discuss it will really make me feel like a complete idiot. It's really the silliest thing ever to think about at this age. Nothing can justify how I felt. Even as I think about it now, I feel that my thoughts were so childish. I'm disappointed.
Thank God though because at that moment of weakness, I decided to fight and not give in to childish ways. I knew what I needed to hear from God and therefore I tried to listen to what HE wants to say. I heard something but wasn't too sure whether it was from God or not. Dare not take it as it is, so I took out my Bible from my bag and flip to 1 Peter 3 (haha, if u turn to it, u'd probably knew what this childishness is all about)...haha....I'm too embarrased about it to mention it here.
I had a good Bible Study. Haha, oni a few days ago I blogged about having Bible Study. No la, its not that I holy-molly but rather its because I am a member of the monday Bible Study group and I'm leading the wednesday Bible Study group. So, that's why I attend two Bible Study!
I really had a good Bible Study. Obedience came up again. I think there's something really that the Lord wants to speak to me about.
Today, I did something very dramatic. I deleted all files in my computer that can be considered a form of piracy! No more lying to God and try to justify whatever I do. I know CDs are expensive, still, no excuse for me to disobey God because of money. Yes, I loooove music. But, I'm not gonna sin because of that. Today I was just memorising John 14:21 (let me try to quote) He who hears and keeps my commandmants, he it is who loves me, and he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love Him and disclose Myself to him.
So, I basically just feel that I shall not be disobedience and hinder God from disclosing (NASB) or manifest (NKJV) Himself to me. So, yeah....
People once said that partial obedience and delayed obedience is disobedience. Ignorance is definitely disobedience. So, I want to obey - so to the recycle bin the files went!!
I'm quite happy I obeyed! :) I still have other things to obey God. I need to be quick in doing them.
I'm tired now.....
I don't know why but Psalm 73:25-26 is constantly flashing infront of me today! I wonder what God has to say.
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