Thursday, March 23, 2006

Love is an amazing thing, isn't it?!

It's funny how I've been so tired this whole day but right now when it's 3am, I'm still wide awake. I guess, when you've gone way pass your bedtime, this happens.

I thought busy week passed and I'll be free-er. I'm so wrong.

There's a draft to hand-in on thursday (technically, it's today) and a project due on Friday and a test on Monday.

Clever la Jee Lee. Do last minute work summore!!

Nonono...I'm up because some problem came up when we were trying to do our Child Language project. So, we all need to work a little extra to hand-in a better paper. I already spent 1-2 hour transcribing phonetics. Don't you just dislike it?! After that, still have to write out stuff! Seish!! So much work. I wanna complain but I don't think I should. So, sssshhhhh!! And another dear friend is suppose to do the compilation for the submission tomorrow but she's not very well and she's very tired. So, I offered to compile the work. So, I've to wait for the rest to send me their work and also I realised my piece of work needs editting. haha...So, I stayed up more because I've Child Language work to do and editting of my draft for (technically) today's submission. haha...

ok la, I admit I'm doing a little last minute work.

But, I don't normally work last minute!

Anywayz, I'm super happy today because my friend sent me her wedding photos. So happy!!!! :) :) :)

I was also browsing through the pictures in my phone and oh boy, I really really miss home. I haven't called home to talk to my family for a very long time already. Sigh. I suddenly wonder how they are doing. I hope and pray that all is well.


God is so good.
You know how He provides and comforts when you sooo need it.
Emotionally I'm in a rollercoaster ride. It sucks to be in one but through all this, I see God's all abundant love and "realness".
I'm praying for God to continue to be real and be the ever promise fulfilling God that He is!!
You know Lord, these things that You're putting me through are not easy but I know no pruning is. So I'm not going to complain but instead allow You to work Your way in me. And may I be purified and refined. Of all my many cries, one thing I ask is that may You never give up on making me the woman YOU want me to be and as I struggle, may You comfort me with Your rod and staff. Lift up the veil that's blinding me, Lord. I love You too much to let the pain take me away from YOU....
Be with me Lord.....


There're too many love songs in my head.
Love of all sort


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