Tuesday, June 20, 2006


“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”George Bernard Shaw

I was just reading Yasmin Ahmad’s blog when I saw the above.

For a person who dislike change as much as I do, reading the above was like telling myself that unless I start to accept change, I will never progress. Well, I’ve kinda accepted that truth a few days ago when I was just thinking of an incident that happened during our exco retreat a month ago. Our bible study group is to go through a split. That means change. I retaliated. I was angry. How can they take away the only people I am close enough to call my family?! How can they! I hate that and I am angry!! They said wise things to help me see it from a different perspective but I was so angry that I didn’t care what they said and shut my mind. “I don’t care what you say, the group stays as ONE”

It took me to cool down. The realisation that no one is on my side. A talk with Edgar. A talk with God to realise that it is for the betterment of the whole group and the incoming group members, that we split. So, fine. We will split – I am in agreement. I will comply to change. I will accept.

But in the most recent kinda “change” I am talking about, it ain’t about whose betterment. It’s not about progess (or so I think). I’ve been thinking about it and I realised what it was.

It is about what we all have and need – FRIENDS. That’s where change is happening now. But, you know, I really hope that this is not change. It is just me having thinking too much. Ya. I hope.


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