Thursday, October 05, 2006


The condition of the air outside of the house is horrendous. It’s scary! I’m talking about the haze. I don’t know how is it in Malaysia but in Singapore, visibility is reduced to two to three kilometres (from 10 kilometres)! It’s scary really. It hurts my eye and my nose. It’s terrible really.

I met up with the lecturer from NIE today. She reminds me so much of Ms.Yeo. Oh goodness. She doesn’t say “Bye bye” on the phone too. They must be long lost twins! I can’t believe I had dinner with such a lady. Don't get me wrong, I don’t hate them. They are just so principal-like. And I'm not really very comfortable with that. I ask her what does she lectures in NIE, and she said "I lecture principles and HOD (Head of Dept). WOAH. Totally got blown away man. Oh well, it was a good dinner really! She's really quite nice and humourous. When people like herself cracks a joke, I stare at them in disbelief. It's like so un-them. haha. But, she spoke to me about NIE mainly. And she thinks it is important that I get an education cert from NIE. And oh well, the reason for me wanting to be a teacher is also because it eases my entrance into countries. I can do whatever I want once I gain entrance. And if having an education cert from NIE makes it all the more easier, then okay lor. I will suffer the next 3-4 years so that I can achieve what I want to. What is 3-4 years compared to 10 years in a foreign country doing work that I find passion in?

Ah, pray. Today I met up with a dear sister. And all I can say is this: pray. You know, the Operation World guy quoted this:

When men work, men works
When men pray, God works.

Not saying that we don’t work of course. But, pray people. Pray.


At 11:55 pm , Blogger Fun! said...

When i sat down late last night to read your blog, it touch my heart to know that i have a sister feeling the most of what i am experiencing right now :) Remember you asked me about what i meant when i said 'NIE dilemma' on Sat? yeh, we didn't finished that conversation. But your meeting with that NIE lady and how you wanted so much to go to India (For me: You know where lah :p)resonate so much with my desire to do the same. i didn't have nightmares about it though, but i do have nightmares about NIE twice in the past 1 month. i don't know why, perhaps like what you said its the devil's way of thwarting God's plan and purpose for us. Just reading all of what you wrote helps me to understand where i am even better now. Thanks you! hehe..i wore the fishy earrings today to school! oh..fishy fishy!! :)

At 12:10 pm , Blogger -- J e e L e e -- said...

haha. Fun fun!! Fishy fishy! hehe. You can be fishers of men in schools too. :)

and yes, when we have time, we really have to catch up and talk about ur NIE dilemma more. hehe

take care sister. Let's not forget that GOD is sovereign okay.


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