Saturday, February 03, 2007

Stressed but quite happy.

I'm taking this module called "Bible and Christianity" and it's so heavy! Gosh. In two weeks, I have 7 chapters to read. Oh, what is wrong with this man?? He's crazy. And I think my tutor is crazy too. She wants to give us a mini quiz this coming week for the book we've just finished reading. Yeah, 7 chapters, seven!!! I'm going nuts trying to just read everything. And there's no way I'm going to be able to read another book in time for my tutorial. I mean, there's 8 chapters in the book that we're suppose to read and gosh, one week? No way. I have an assignment due the following week and it's 40%. So, I'm trying my best to juggle work and rest and ministry so please do pray very hard for me. I'm going nuts.

I am seldom this busy. So many people have said "Jee Lee, you seem to be very bogged down with work recently…" and my answer would be: "You have no idea…" I mean, yeah, you still see me smiling as if there isn't a care in the world but I am stressed la. Mel saw me on Wed and she said "Why are you always so happy?" And the truth is: I'm not always happy but I smile because other people deserve to be greeted with a smile. But other than that, I am stressed. I am not sad. So I smile as usual. :)

The power of a smile is tremendous!! The power of singing is great!!! The power of a joyful spirit is indescribable!!! The joy of the Lord is my strength!! :)

Oh, thanks Shel for the publicity for "Walking Her Home" - It is so sweet. I've been wanting Mark Schultz's latest album - Broken & Beautiful!! Have you listened to Broken and Beautiful? It's very nice too…:) Check it out here!!

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