Tuesday, July 26, 2005


It's been a few days since i last blogged and the past few days has been quite tiring. So many things going on at the same time and yeah, been quite stamina stretching lor. It's matric week and for those who are not nus fellas, it's a week whereby the freshmen comes into NUS and get their student card and do their medical checkup and submit forms to NUS and get their computer id, buy their computers (if they want. Since NUS offers comp with 20% off the retail price), get to see the other clubs/societies in NUS and den probably sign up for a few societies. The students only come in one day but for us seniors and those who're mending the booths, we have to be there the whole week lor. PLUS, the NUS Navigators are also doing evangelism and not just leaving all the outreach to the booth people. So, we have 3 things going on at one time - we have the booth people, and we have a group of people praying and also we have groups of people going out to evangelise. It has been tiring but exciting nevertheless. It's been tiring because i've been on duty for the whole day from 9:30 - 5pm for 2 days already and yeah, it's tiring. Gotta walk a lot plus gotta find courage to talk to people and do stuff la....tiring leh!!! heheheh and tmr i'm also on duty frm 9:30 - 5pm. And i'm on duty to evangelise the whole day tmr!!! WAHSEH...tired!!

But, it has been pretty challenging and exciting. Yesterday, was quite fun meeting christians and presenting the gospel to some as well. It was new and exciting and as i was partnering Peh Fern, it was nice to learn from her many things as well. And as i was at the booth, Yeah, i did feel a bit discouraged at times when i saw that many people were "attracted" to the Buddhist Society. As i was sitting/standing there, i keep telling myself that i must be happy to be able to do this for the LORD and that i MUST give my LORD my 100% and i'm not doing this for myself. Yeah, so, everytime i feel tired and just discourage a bit, i tell myself : NO, stand up and go full force!!!! Gotta push myself a bit.

So, anyway...today was quite cool...i think the LORD really granted me strength coz i was already dead tired even in the morning. Couldn't get up and the whole day i was busy. Oh....So, i prayed real hard that the LORD may grant me strength and cheerfulness. You know la. When i'm tired, i'll just stone and make my BLEAH face. Hahah..So, yeah. I thank the LORD because HE sustained me and even at the end of the day, i was still, smiling and saying my "HIE!!!" And well, we didnt start on a very happy note. Hahah...got rejected but funny, i wasn't discourage. Instead, i told HuiYue, nvm.....sure got others wan. Hehehe!!! And we prayed of course for the LORD to encourage our heart and not let us be discouraged and wow!! the LORD was great. The next person we met was very open to us and she said "yeah, i'll contact you!" YAY!!! I was pretty happy :D!!! Then the day went on and yeah, i was encouraged and there were a lot of very cheerful people that lifted my cheerfulness even at 4pm and it's been a long day!!! And people who were open to hear the Lord's message of Love too!!! Cool eh?!!

It's been pretty amazing how the Lord works. I think as we serve Him, He grants us great joy as well. As He use us to minister to His people, He directly minister to us as well!! What a privilege it has been to worship Him and to serve Him in this manner. Our Lord hears us and answers us. He knows our needs, even if we dont ask for it and He "feeds" our needs....

So sorry friends if i have not been keeping in touch. Been pretty busy. All high for the Lord edi!!!


Take care all.....


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