Tuesday, November 15, 2005


I am speechless. Aih! Someone just asked me what I think about a certain situation. I told her the truth and then she gets impulsive and decides to make a rash move. I don't like it. I tell u the truth and yes, the truth suckz at times but we're here to learn from what we've done wrong and really allow God to mould us to be better people! I was trying to talk to her but she isn't listening at all. That suckz too!!!!

I hate taking Panadols. I only take Euphamols and I only take them when I'm driving (driving with a headache can be very dangerous) or when i buay tahan liao. Today, I took panadol coz I buay tahan liao. Aih!! I'm feeling better now already.

When you see two close friends of yours having some sort of disagreement and you hear them vent out their frustrations, you just wish they would do something to patch things up, don't you? Aih. I pray that they both see the necessary things that is needed to be done. I don't know what happened but I am praying that they both will do what God wants them to do. Even though it might mean getting out of their comfort zone.

It is never easy rite? Getting out of our comfort zone that is! Today I wasn't feeling too good. I guess, something pop-up in my head and got me thinking abit and there were some questions for God. However, I was reminded of how I prayed for pruning beginning of this semester. We all know what a dangerous prayer that is. Its like "asking for trouble". But at that time, I was challenged. It was as if there was this voice saying " JeeLee, you want to grow anot? If you want, then what's stopping you from asking that?" I knew that there wasn't anything that was holding me back - there was probably fear of discomfort and difficult times. However, in the end, I took the challenge and prayed that prayer. And God is just merely answering my prayer now! Yes, it ain't easy but I'm rejoicing in the fact that God is moulding me to someone HE wants me to be and plucking out all the unwanted branches! O well, no pain no gain eh? I felt much better after being reminded of what I asked for and knowing that God is doing what I asked for. So, hehe....

Miffy is a very sweet girl. If I was a man, I'd marry her!
There are too many sweet girls out there, no wonder I find it impossible to get attached. I'm fighting a losing battle. haha.....

I did a rather weird thing today. I was studying in the library and i just stared at Karen. I think she's quite pretty! :)

Was today a fruitful day? I consider anyday spent with the Lord and His people a fruitful day. So, basically everyday is a fruitful day! Haha...But yes, today was a fruitful day! I managed to do some studying. Had some time with my Lord alone. Had some time talking with Karen. Had some time talking with Fern too. Had sharing with Jillian and Hui Li. :) How can this day not be fruitful??


At 8:01 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey jee lee,

its me...i c u changed yr blog settings....it looks more dark and mysterious...looking...u know wat speaking of panadols...i dislike taking medicine..too..n i am sick at the moment...trying hard not to take any medication..hee!hee!..oh ya will u be back 4 camp?

At 3:35 pm , Blogger -- J e e L e e -- said...

Hie San,

Mysterious? haha....

You are sick? oh no!! Take care yeah! Drink lotsa water yeah!! Rest enuff. Don't keep thinking of going out ar u naughty girl! hehe...

Erm, when is camp? Su asked me too but I'm not too sure about it. Haha, I want invitation by the charperson!!! haha...kidding lar....John Yip is Camp Speaker rite. Not bad ar! I hope he teaches u all how to play floorball. It's a cool game!! I even wanted to join NUS floorball team. Too bad its a competative sport here in NUS. If its just recreational (and if i can find time), I'd join man! Hehee....


At 7:50 pm , Blogger -- J e e L e e -- said...

Ah Miffy. Don't fight wit me. You are a very sweet girl. U are no where near a vicious rabbit that bites people! Don't kill me for saying that. I just think u really are a very sweet girl and I know people who can back me up on that. Not just ONE person btw. There are plenty! :)

Stay sweet! :)


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