Friday, March 31, 2006

Good day to you! :)

So tired today. But, I kinda did nothing. haha....

Was late for class today - by 5 minutes. But, still marked late. Sigh! I'm sad to say this but I realised today that I've a very bad attitude towards Child Language. I love the module. For those of you who know me, you'd know how much I love kids. I've also worked with kids before and realised that I have a gift in dealing with kids. So, I love this module - despite it's heavy workload. But, because it's 100% CA (Continuous Assessment), means there's no final test, and the CA is more or less over edi, I feel like as if I don't need to put in anymore effort, don't need to study, don't need to read up and all that. I go for lecture only because attendence will be taken. Although I'm interested but because it involves work, I'd rather not do. Sigh! Bad attitude as a student!!! God is not pleased....I think. Sigh.

Was suppose to have lunch with viggy but didn't get to because he had to meet his prof. :( but we've arranged for lunch on Tuesday! :)
So I had lunch with Janice instead. Janice is a sister-in-Christ from KL and a fellow EL major too. It was nice having lunch again (just the both of us) after so long. :P

Went back to library and slept for a while before I actually started work on my Historical Variation project. My my my!!!! I can't believe I really started work! haha....There's bout a hundred plus more words to write. :) So happy!

Had camp commitee meeting, yay. All looks good. But u know, during the meeting, there was another group who was super super noisy la. They were not doing anything but talking rubbish and laughing. Normally the YIH student lounge is used for project meetings or like for us, committee meetings and, I was rather irritated that they were sitting there, doing nothing but making noise! I know a few of our group members were rather distracted too. I prayed for God to "shut them up" haha....Well, their volume did reduce a little. After awhile, their noise level started going up again (altho not as loud as previously). I went to the ladies and when I came back in, I approached them to tone down a bit. :) It was a little better after that. Bout 15-20 minutes after that, they left. Hehe..... :) :) :)

Today I again saw some things that caused my mind to wonder here and there but because I told myself to not have such wondering thoughts because it's not pleasing to God so there was a little struggle. To keep telling myself to surrender those thoughts to God. Holiness in my thought life. especially when those thoughts effect my emotions. God, help me!!!!!

I was just speaking to a friend with whom I've not spoken to for quite some time already - esp when it comes to our relationships with God. Keeping her in my prayers! :)

It's late...
So, goodnight!! :)


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