Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I was just talking to Ngai about the uncertainty of things – albeit stability of things in the now. And I wonder sometimes when things will stop changing, if that can ever happen.

It’s strange.

A few days ago, I aimlessly opened a box where I kept all my “love” letters. Reading all the letters I’ve gotten, it’s funny how I either am no longer close to these authors or how we got much closer.

Now that the youngest of our gang is finally entering university, I suddenly am afraid of what might happen. Will we all remain close after graduation? Will we all remain close after each one has found our own life partner? Will we be a community willing to stay as a community for life?

Speaking to Josh last night made the both of us realise that it’s not easy maintaining close ties within the gang of friends we have. I was the first of the gang to leave. And it’s been 2 years now. A few others have left. But, we have definitely tried to keep the ties as close as possible. It’s not easy but that’s reality. Anything worth keeping (or doing) is always not easy. But, we will still go ahead and stick our heads into the situation and hope to stand firm because we know that it is worth the fight. The friendship, the memories, the relationship is definitely worth the fight. Yes, there have times when I personally have given up on relationships but I totally wish that I never had. To those friends whom I have one point or another given up on you, I’m sorry. Although friendship takes two, I will do my best and pray that the other does so too. And then, together we be life-long friends.


Although I try to tell myself that it’s alright. If I lose friends, I just make new ones. But, it’s never the same! Never!

I believe that is why Mun Onn, Kok Choong, Weng Soon and Jit Tat make the effort to still meet online once a week even though they are all spread around the globe! Hah!

Even though there are uncertainties, I know who holds tomorrow. I guess then, there’s nothing really to worry right?

Sometimes, I wish I could learn that fast (and firm) enough.

Friends for life ( I hope!!) Posted by Picasa


At 9:26 am , Blogger imissw said...

Whoa! Havent been here for a while and everything's changed! Nice, real nice. Now i look at me blog and feel inferior... LOL!

I'm thankful for modern technology - it has helped so much in me maintaning my relationships wif me mates and family. it's so different when i was doing me undergraduate where it was at the most, one letter a week!

in fact, i feel like i've drawn closer to some people back home since coming here!!!! and i've even made new frens whom i've never met before!

remember that ancient song?

*Friends are friends forever if the Lord's the Lord of them*

At 3:13 pm , Blogger -- J e e L e e -- said...

Nice leh? I like it too! Haha... but honestly, there's nothing to feel inferior about coz I just took the template of Blogger Template. haha! Wait till I learn to do it myself, then you want to feel inferior, you can la. haha....

I too am thankful to modern tech. But, not all my close friends are tech savvy. So, I don't get to "connect" with them as often as I like. That explains a little why I do feel a bit left out sometimes. :( And you know why I hate it all the more? Because when I'm away, I feel that my presence will be very much welcome, but when I really am back, that's not the case. Sucky! I hope that won't happen to you when you're back. Maybe because you're away long enough. I have no idea.

But...ya, Friends are friends forever if the Lord's the Lord of them!! :) :)


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