Bye 2004, Hello 2005....
As the year draws to an end, i'm suddenly drawn to see what the LORD has done in my life. And truly, there's just too much goodness that i've received that i can't really put into words the things that HE has done for me in my life. The major stuff would be my STPM results, my university acceptance, and throughout my stay in spore He has provided constantly and been with me to support me and just guide me in my life. So much so that i can't imagine life without HIM.
I've been a christian for bout 10 years. And yet, i realised that i've not been very close to HIM until a few years ago....and as i look back, many times i've drawn away from HIM and yet HE has been drawing me near to HIM but i've consciously ignored and neglected HIM. When my best friend died (her name's evelyn), i was so devastated. She was the best friend anyone could have. She's one person i know i can alwiz go to no matter how badly i've done in anything. I know she'll never judge me but instead will alwiz encourage me to go on stronger! And then, my grandma died in year 2002...Like evelyn, she was also my source of comfort and support. As much as my parents are my pillar of support and comfort, they had expectations of me and when i failed to meet those expectations i would go to my grandma. When she died, i knew that i have no where to go when i fail my parents or my family anymore. But beyond all these things, all these "bad" things, i now realise that all these things happens for a reason. And one of them was to draw me closer to the LORD and definitely to depend on HIM and see and acknowledge HIS greatness. Who can be compared to HIM? Who can comprehend HIS greatness? And all the time when i was in singapore, of course i was sad as i had to leave home and family and church and was sad because i don't know anyone whom i'm close with and i know i have no where to go when i'm sad. But, it was during that time that i learn to depend on HIM as my source of comfort and refuge. HE is my rod and my staff...He'll lead me and i truly understand what it is to say that the LORD has never left me nor forsaken me. Yet, at times of distress, i am able to let HIM take second position in my life. I myself put HIM aside. So, i do not have any right to ask HIM where HE is at times of distress....Because i know that HE is there. It is i who refuse HIM. I must learn that no matter what happens, HE needs to constantly be first in my life and my heart. and i'm glad that the LORD never lets me go although i've failed HIM again and again. But, instead, constantly leading me towards HIM and guiding my life. I truly have so much to thank HIM for!!
As we all party to celebrate the coming of a new year, lets not forget to remember the goodness that we've received. What i've shared are major stuff in my life. The minor minor stuff i didnt share because of lack of space. Furthermore, who wants to know the minor stuff of my life rite? hehehe.....but, really....when u sit back and reflect, u see God's hands in your life and you would see how ungrateful you have been and how much you need to thank God for and ask for HIS forgiveness.....
God has given me great and wonderful friends....these ppl are truly a blessing to me....thanks guys for all your love and wonderful support.....
and these ppl are..... Weng Yan, Yin Ngai, Shelby, Yueen San, Yuen Hsiang, Joshua, pin pin....and loads more.....
Ppl like Ah ma Peng Chui, Jessica, edwin yapp, keat poh....these ppl have been my support even when i was in singapore. Thanks guys...hahahahaha
too much to thank.....really too much to thank.....
well, even if i did not name all my friends...i am thankful to GOD for friends...each and everyone!! No matter how close u are to me...You have impacted my life at least once! So, let's thank God together for what HE has done!!
Happy New Year..... =)