Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Jesus Christ?

Last night we had our third attempt at studying Mark 6:1-29. It's funny how we alwiz end up talking bout other things... But, i see that u can't really talk about a passage without talking bout personal sharings of how the LORD takes care of us and how HE has worked in our lives rite? And i guess, that part takes up most time lor!

Well, Edgar and Jeremy posted this significant question. Why is Jesus Christ the Son of God to me? Of course the Bible says much about it and plus we have the Holy Spirit in us that convicts us of this fact but on a more personal note, we all have experiences with HIM that convicts us too that Jesus is the Son of God and not just someone i read from the BIBLE.

As i sit there and reflect, i guess ONE of the MANY MANY attributes of Jesus Christ really came to mind was this: His Faithfulness...I see how countless times, i've neglected Christ by not putting HIM first in my priority or by not being faithful in my service to HIM! and to think also of the amount of times i've failed HIM, waahh...scccarrrryyy!! And i thank God for how HE has been faithful in times when i have been unfaithful! And how through my unfaithfulness, HE still manifest love and compassion and grace and power!!! And He has held true to HIS words. MAny times i see that HE keeps to HIS promises and have never broken anyone of them. He said He will never leave me nor forsake me. Not only do i believe that with all my heart, i've experienced how HE has alwiz been there for me. That when i'm down and in need of an encouragement, i can literally hear someone whisper words of encouragement into my ears! Which is just fantastic!! Even if HE doesnt speak so clearly to me like that, He will speak to me through circumstances and through ppl and even through the BIBLE. Who says the BIBLE is not relevent anymore?!

Well, i just pray that the LORD will help me be faithful. It is so difficult! ESp when there's so many other things to do...YEah, i pray that HE will help me be faithful as HE has been faithful. Of course i can never reach HIS level but i pray that He will help me just be faithful lor!!! even in the little things that i do.

And as i was looking at the bible and thinking bout how Jesus said that we cannot serve two master. And why is that we often associate the master that Jesus is talking about to only these 2 - God and money?! Well, i thought of the money issue. Isn't it more accurate to say that the other master that we so often want to serve is OURSELVES? I mean, why do ppl earn so much money? For ourselves right? - for our luxurious lives, for comfort, for pride?! And whatever it is, we tend to serve ourselves....buy nice clothes to dress ourselves up, look good, NAME sound good. That at the mention of our name, it rings bells in people's heads? well, isn't that what happened to Herod? How he appeared amongst people was very important to HIm. And so do we!! It was interesting that when i was reading Matthew 6:24, it cross-referenced to Gal 1:10.
Matthew 6:24 - "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serce God and mammon.
Gal 1:10 - For do i now persuade men, or God? Or do i seek to please men? For if i still pleased men, i would not be a bondservant of Christ.

Isn't it interesting to note that the mammon that was mentioned in Matt 6 is cf to Gal 1 that talks about pleasing men. WOW?!!

well, that's just something to learn lor hor??!!

Monday, March 28, 2005

Weekend back home...

The weekend that was spent back home was fantastic!! Esp with the celebration of Good Friday and Easter sunday. Well well, i was right when i said that it will rain on good friday! heheh....

Anyway, the talks by Mr.Khoo Oon Soo on friday (for the Good Friday service), Sat (for Easter Conference) and for sunday (Easter Sunday) was short and sweet yet very refreshing and many new insights were gained to many things.

When uncle Oon Soo spoke on the topic of service for God, he mentioned 3 principles (1)When there's work to do, be the first to offer (2) Focus on the job (3) Finish the job.
Truly i agree with him when he said that humility is a mark of true service. Well, the question i ask myself is that am i humble when i serve HIM? I was just thinking, remember when Jesus said we can not serve to gods...One is the true God and the other is money. But, might not be just money...it can be ourselves. Sometimes, we serve ourselves by feeding our ego, making a name for ourselves....and when that happens, humility is needed! yeah lor....Humility costs something - denying of self!! Must alwiz keep in mind that God is important not myself!

Am i denying myself daily? Am i taking up the cross daily? Am i followhing Christ daily? Definitely its not easy. Well, who ever said it will be? but, if Christ died for us and raise from the dead FOR US, then is it too much to ask deny myself daily and to take up our cross daily and follow HIM daily?

and our LORd went a little further in HIS Suffering for us!! Shouldnt we too go a little further in our service for HIM???

The suffering of Jesus was complete. We all face 3 types of suffering - as did Jesus. (1) Physical (2) Emotional (3)spiritual...

Christianity begins where religions end...with the Resurrection of Christ! - that's something that we christians hold so close to our hearts. Imagine, someone so pure and holy suffering and dying for u?!! that thought alone is unbearable and now to think that HE rose from the dead is too much!!! Mebbe that is why ppl think that it's not true! But, think bout this : why would the disciples of Jesus die to protect this truth? would they die for a lie? Honestly, is there any reason at all to doubt it? It might be logically unacceptable, but is God to be limited to our small scope of mind and thoughts? to be limited to our logic thinking? Isn't He too great and big for that? and Isaiah 55:8-9 : "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways MY ways," says the LORD. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are MY ways higher than your ways, and MY thoughts than your thoughts." So, are we so great humans that we understand everything? Like tat, we can consider ourselves God as well lor!!!

anyway, it was great learning and thanking God for all the things that He has done and for guiding us daily!!!
Let us together journey in this race with HIM and let HIM guide us and lead us and let us finish the race well!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


It's been a long time since i last blogged and there's just too many things happening. I dont really have time to blog as well.

For a start, i havent been sleeping well. For what reason i oso donno! hah!! the earliest i can sleep is at 2am..and i still have to get up at my usual wake-up time. Which is bout 7 or 8am...i mean, if i do count, i actually get sufficient sleep la...5-6 hours a day. But, i think its been for a long time liao...ever since the mid-term break, i've been sleeping late and waking up early. All thanks to the work that needs to be done. okie, i better stop complaining. But, in all these things, i realise that the LORD has truly kept to HIS word. Never leaving me nor forsaking me! in fact, i echo the story of the footprints...it was truly at those times that HE CARRIED ME!!

Many times when i need God, He's just a shout or a cry away. Telling HIM everything just carries the burdens away. I know He's there listening and He encourages me with words..with thoughts...and i'm so glad i have HIm!

Last thursday, i had a loong day....My usual thursdays are completely free. But, last thursday, i met up with a friend for lunch..had class and den met up with a few more friends to discuss on some outreach event and den had to go for bsf...wah, long day eh? full of activities...how proud i am!! (yeah RITE!) Anyway, the highlight of the day was when i met up with a friend for lunch. Well, there were some issues that i needed to "confront" him with and well, i'm kinda glad i did! i've alwiz believed in honesty and transparency. And, i can't be a hypocrite rite? So, i've decided to let my ego down and speak to that person. Furthermore, it concerns him and it's better for the friendship la! Anyway, there were certain things that was said that kept my mind wondering...thinking bout what he said and that kinda kept me distracted. NOT very happy things and even still thinking bout it now...hahah...speak to him again?
Anyway, i realised that whatever we spoke over lunch got me distracted and issue of self-esteem came back to me...and i was distracted even when i went for tutorials...met up to arrange for outreach event...even when i went for BSF!

You know how ppl say that a slip of the foot you may heal but a slip of the tongue will last forever? well, i realised when i got back frm bsf that what my friends said, what my parents said...held very deep impact in my life...NOTE: this was all said in the past and i DO NOT hold grudges or anger towards anyone that has said anything!!!We all make mistakes and so we forgive one another yah?!
Comments that were negative...comments that say i'm useless and very negative things were stuck in my head. And, as these ppl who said these things to me were very close to me, i believed every word that they say. I believed that they made such comments because they REALLY know who i am and there were voicing out their opinion on who i am! And, as i came back from bsf, i told myself: Hey, the reason why these self-worth issues come back to me again and again is because i truly believed in them! Which was totally WRONG!!! and so, the minute i reach back to my room, i dump my bag onto my bed, knelt down beside my bed and just cry out as loud as i can...renouncing all the stupid things i had behind my head about myself!! renouncing all those spirits that had a hold on me! I belong to Jesus and HIM alone!!! right after that, i felt good!! as in, i know i belong to Jesus and the devil has no hold on me!!
and therefore, the highlight was this: when i had that talk over lunch, many things bout what ppl said about me came to mind, and what went thru my mind was this : now, this fella is gonna think i'm a complete freako and i'm so darn scary!! and why on earth is this gal so darn complicated and so.....(out of words liao)...and i must admit to the fullest of truthfulness that to a certain extend, i am still afraid of what ppl will say...like, am i REALLY so complicated that i'm a hard-to-live with person? hmm...but, i learnt from my experience of talking to God and renouncing all those spirits that probably had a hold on me, that if i believe i am God's child, i need to live it out!! and be convicted of it and not let anything hold me back anymore!! Well, another thing to praise God for is this: God is good and HE will listen to my cry. When i cried out to HIM, i could feel all the anger and emotions leaving me!! and i could feel God's love just pouring into me!! which is probably the best thing anyone could ever feel!!

Besides that episode, throughout the week, the LORD has taught me many other things as well. U know, the LORD has brought ppl to me!! friends i have been praying for, the bunch of PRC fellas that we're trying to reach out to! and all that sort of thing....Pulau Ubin was tiring but many lessons learnt bout being humble and stooping down to other ppl's interest and their world and bout how to communicate to ppl of different interest and all that...
And as much as i am tired and there's so many things to do, i think the LORD has really put this impression upon my heart: He's training me for something!! For what exactly, i do not know! but, as i was praying bout commitments, the words : For you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you came to mind. And i felt so convinced that yah, truly i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and i shall make HIM my source of strength! even when i think i cannot do it anymore!! And somehow i just feel that the LORD is training me and equipping me for something greater that HE has in-stall for me in my later years...I do not know what HE has in mind for me, but i know HIS plans are great!! (jer 29:11) and i will obey HIm and go all the way for HIM man!!! and i'm kinda excited!! to see what the LORD is training me for....when i say training, i think HE's pushing me bit by bit...get out of my comfort zone...push a bit more....build me up more.....yeah lor!!!

and today, as i was preparing for the steamboat thingy in lilian's house, i kinda felt, aiyo....so tiring! imagine, pork, chicken and beef....all to slice in 2 hours....bear u, gotta clean and skin it summore!! and i was reminded in proverbs 31 about being a godly woman. No wonder in proverbs say need strong woman- and it is in physical context leh..and i told myself, if some other girl were in my shoes, can she handle it man? summore it was a blunt knife!!! ask edgar and jeremy!! wah...now i really realise what God means that we gotta be strong man!!! haha, but tat's mebbe just to feed my ego..since i think i am strong physically anyway!! hahaha....

Anyway, just to say this last thing : God is good....and as much as it is us who are unfaithful, do not be discouraged! because the LORD has promised that if we seek HIm with all our heart, we will find HIm!!! so, continue on this exciting journey with HIm!!! There are many exciting lessons to learn every single day!!! yeah lor....

Psalm 46:10 - Be still and know that I am GOD; I will be exalted among the earth!
Psalm 24:4-6 - He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, Nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive blessing from the LORd, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Last night during BS, i was feeling really lousy! Not because i didn't like what was being discussed but because i suddenly felt like i'm such a horrible Christian! I mean, there was just so many things about me that i know God will not be happy with...many things that i feel i need to improve on....

I keep telling myself, God above everything!!! God first! I must love HIm with all that i am!! And then, last night i just suddenly feel that i have not been putting HIM first...i haven't been loving HIm...i've been a hypocrite!! I've been a liar!! I only know how to talk nonsense and not keep to my words!! I was so irritated lor.....

I've not been dependent on HIm....not humble!! so many things....not faithful....AIHH!!! And i came back and i told God this : why is it that i haven't been crying for such a long time? have i no more love for HIM? have i no more feelings?

but, today.....feeling a bit lousy...tired and all that...furthermore, a bit sick liao....but, i thank GOD! because when i came back from a long day of lectures and tutorials, i came back to check my mails...and then rest...but, when i checked my mails....i read a mail frm gloria! she mentioned about the China students....and i was just moved to tears!! For what i was reading wasn't something really really vy sad...but i was just moved to tears....i cried...it was something to do with God of course!! and in a way, i was thankful because i think God's trying to assure me that i still care for HIS kingdom!! and i not only care, i also love HIM!! Although sometimes i think i don't, but i think the LORD is trying to assure me that i actually do!!

i can't help by cry longer to see how great the LORD is...how HE encourages me when i need it! Who can explain things that happen sometimes? it's supernatural power? i say it's just GOD!!! that's the supernatural power that ppl call.....but dislike to acknowledge God's work!! yeah lor.... and how much HE loves me!! it's a great relationship that i have with HIM...and will not give up the relationship for anything!!!

Like one songs says :
i've set my eyes on Jesus Christ and
i will run at any price.
I'll have no fear.
I'll keep the faith!!!

yah man!!!

Praise the LORD!!!!


Saturday, March 12, 2005


Hmm...today is big day for ZhiQiang and PeiFen!! Their wedding day!!

Well, as i went to the wedding together with JoAnne and HuiLi, it was a great time of fellowshipping yeah!! Been wanting to have a meal together but never had the opportunity to do so. Until today!! yeah....hahaha

On the way, we met Noel as well...hahah...scary fella....

When, in church....well, the NUS navigators occupy almost half the hall leh!!! hahaha...there were many of us lor!! it was nice.....but everytime i go for wedding, sure shed tears wan...During the "thanks Yous" to their respective parents.

It really brings back memories as to how horrible a daughter i am and what wonderful parents i have!! Pa and Ma, thanks for alwiz keeping up with my craziness and for my disobedience and for loving me as i am!! thanks yeah.....i echo what zhiqiang said today, if i were given a chance to choose my parents, i will still choose the both of u!! U've been great to me...i know i used to complain about you but i realised now that i was young and stupid!! now, i really know the sacrifices that you have made for me...and you've alwiz been there for me and for jeeleng, jeevern and jeeaun!!! thanks for being the most wonderful parents that we can ever have!!!

yeah....just to tell both my papa and mama....i LOVE u very much and thank you for EVERYTHING that you have done!!!

there have been so many occasions when i wish you were here and i can just cry to you and talk to you like how we used to...talk until 2am...hehe.....
but i know, God has a purpose for both of us....and His plans are great yeah!!!

let us depend on God and walk with God together!!! :)

Friday, March 11, 2005


Well, the Navigators normally have a friday rally everyweek. And this week turn out to be a day of celebration rally and that means our monday bs grp is incharged to run the rally...
of course we planned for the rally starting 2 weeks ago... i was voluntered by Edgar to be MC. Notice that i was voluntered!!! hahaha.... but yeah, i agreed to the job and started getting down to work.

Well, in the process, i think i really learned a lot!! Well, when i met up with bernard to discuss what should i do and all that, he warned me that the devil will be very real and will try to pull me away from GOD...and it became very real. Even as we closed our discussion in prayer, i suddenly felt like my head was spinning 360 degrees at the speed of probably 120km/h. Yeah, i felt it!! it was superb....i KNOW that if i was standing up, i definitely would have fell down!! and so, i knew for sure that the devil will not leave me alone neither will he leave joanne alone. Joanne is the worship leader!! So, she oso kena la...

hmm....but in the whole process, i really learn how to depend on HIM and lean not on my own but on HIM!! and it was great because He has really taught me many things....

and today, the rally started with only a few people....not many were there.....but it was okie because we kinda expected many to be missing because many is practising for ZhiQiang and PeiFen's wedding...so, it was alrite!! but really very very few ppl came....but, it was great lar..

When i was preparing for the day, i suddenly thought of doing this thing called "writing letter to Jesus"...hmm....above all the sharing that we had about how God has led in our lives, its also important to keep a record of our sharing so that when we look back, we remember how God has been great to us!! and i encouraged each and everyone of us who have walked with the LORD to keep a letter to God....thanking HIM for everything and remembering the things that we have done/ not done...things that the LORD has done in our lives and keep that letter in our bible. So that when we're in not so good circumstances, and when we flip back and see that note, i pray that it'll bring back memories and the fact that God is good and HE is faithful and the same yesterday, today and tomorrow....and forever!!

I guess, throughout the meeting and the process of preparing for the meeting, i really learnt to depend on HIM...and listen to HIS leading....as i dedicate the time of worship into HIS hands and as i pray for His leading during our meeting that i may not speak out of my own words but it may be lead by the spirit. I pray too that the LORD will guide me to lead them in worship and to remember the things that HE has done for each one individual...and i pray too that our worship will be acceptable and pleasing in HIs eyes....

yeah lor......

and it has been great.....i thought i wont be able to do a good job because i have never stood up front to be MC....share testimony got la...but not to be MC....wait...lead worship in sunday school counted anot? hahah....but, as i alwiz work back-scene, i doubted my capability to lead a grp to worship....to think of God...and all that. But, God has shown me that i can do it!! and the LORD is probably preparing for me to do more of it....to have that courage to stand infront of ppl...to not feel inadequate! God will make things perfect in my weakness!!! yeah!!! His grace is definitely sufficient for me....God is great in understanding my needs....

on monday nite, i just needed someone to tell me that i'm loved....i called home and daddy said that to me!!!
on friday (Today), i felt aiyo...scary la...donno whether can do it anot...got a mail frm noel encouraging me!!

there are many more...but this is what i clearly clearly remember without turning to my journal...yeah lor...and God is good all the time!!!

Rely on HIM yeah ppl!!! He's our rod and our refuge!! He'll lead us yeah.....He's the sheperd...A

Sunday, March 06, 2005



It amazes me sometimes when i am able to find the time to blog despite the amount of work that needs to be done! But truly the Grace of God is more than sufficient for me. I have no worries! the LORD has truly equipped me from the beginning of the semester for this period when i will be sooo stressed out because of the work that needs to be done! Let me assure u, it is VERY stressful....not only do i have school work to do, i am in Kiasu-land called SINGAPORE!!!

However, the thing that amazes me most is how GOd has worked.... He has been speaking to me thru Nav rallies and thru QT and BSF that the LORD's grace is wonderful and that i need not worry...because not only is HE in control, He will grant me the grace and strength that i need to go thru this hurdle and to rely on HIM for everything!!!

From the beginning of the sem,Nav has been focusing on grace...and i believe that it is arranged so by God to really teach me what it is to live by HIS grace so that when i'm facing difficult times like this, I will be able to go thru it smoothly....living by HIS grace!!! and not only is HE teaching me to live by grace, He's also telling me that when i live by HIS grace, i can do more!! He taught me how when i live by HIS grace, i can continue to be faithful in my service for HIm altho it takes up a lot of time!! He's telling me that i can do many many other things if i only rely on HIm and live by HIs grace alone!!!

the Nav had a slumber party and prayer (SPP) from friday till sat morning!! at first i was a bit hesitant as to whether to go anot...because there's so much of work that needs to be done...but, in the end, i decided that i'll be able to finish my work wan la...no need to worry...furthermore, i'm gonna take time off to spend time with GOd, surely there will not be any problem wan...i'm also reminded to live by faith and HIs grace yah!! So, i went...attendence was small but i really enjoyed the time at Julia's house together with beverly and Jing Jing...all the chatting that we had yeah....I'm very encouraged at the honesty of each sister...including Julia...
and in the morning, when we went to Clementi Woods, it was a fantastic time of walking thru God's creation and adoring all God's creation plus singing and worshiping God....i partnered Gloria and we truly just worshipped HIM and He has reminded both of us so many things pertaining God's love and HIS creation and in addition also reminded me of dying to self and how i need to learn to be like paul and not boast in the things that i have achieved but to boast in my infirmities that i may bring glory to HIS name....and i'm reminded that i am HIS ambassador!!! and that everything i do should bring glory and honour to HIS name...esp if i love HIm!! and to live my life worthy of what Jesus has done for me!!

the LORD has been amazingly great to me....as i was studying today, i took some time of to look at my old e-mails as well....well ngai ngai, i'm still keeping one of ur mails...and it just brings back memories of all those time we spent together...and all the time i spent back in KL with friends!! goodness...i love u guys soo much...and miss u guysss sooooo much!!!! and i miss everyone back home as well!!!.....my mommy...my daddy...jeeleng...jeevern...and jeeaun!! well, i do know that God will take care all of u as HE loves u all more than i do!!!

anyway...i'm so looking forward to the things that the LORD will do in our lives...but we gotta open up our hearts and let HIm in and let HIM do the things that HE wants to do yeah?!

Praise the LORD!!! :)

Friday, March 04, 2005


Well well...it's been a few days and many things has happened!!!

This week hasn't been very much relaxing but it has been good! for truly i've experienced God's grace daily!!! And though sometimes i do wish that i can get more rest and spend my days more relaxingly, but i actually am joyful over what has been happening in my life that i rejoice despite the tiredness and the things that have been going thru in my life....God has been faithful and been just so good to me yah!!!

Firstly, on monday, our monday bs had the priviledge of listening to the love story of Bernard and Lilian..they truly went through a lot and there's so much to learn about leaning on God even in relationships...and there's a celebration rally going on on 11th march and our monday BS grp is in-charged of running the celebration rally lor...and guess what, i think the guys really wanna sabo us girls!!! I was volunteered by someone(rite edgar?) to be MC of the evening!!! wat's tis??!! volunteered by someone??!!.....but, okie...i agreed to take up the job and i'm sure it'll be a great experience and letting God work through me lor!!! i'm not hesitant bcoz i'll get cold feet or anything like that but just feel that i can't do it lor...i'm not much of on the stage kind of person...rather be the person at the back of the scene....

then on tuesday....wah...long day....nothing much happened on tuesday...oh wait...how can i forget, i had a test!! it was alrite la...i have no comments on it....means, it wasnt easy and means i dont feel very well about the paper. But, i have committed the paper into the LORD's hands...whether or not i do well, it's unimportant...God's in control!! and i pray that the paper will glorify HIS name despite of what the results may be!! :)

On wed, had a great time of doing QT with YewChye, Gloria, WeiJie....altho only 4 of us, we really spent a good 2 hours with the LORD!! and with each other as well!! and den, i had my theatre practical session....it was interesting because he's a new instructor!! I donno what religion is he but he mentioned God...so, i guess he's quite a religious person...what religion i dare not say...but i can make the assumption that he's a christian because most times, other religion ppl do not mention bout God....but, no offend to any other religion la...it's just a personal observation!! A very interesting person he is...taught us many new things as well!!! den after that i met up with Bernard to plan for the friday rally!! wow...really many things to do...and Bernard warned me that the devil will keep his focus on me and JoAnne as we lead the rally. And, i find that exceptionally true...because as we (me and bernard closed in prayer) prayed, and when i prayed especially..i felt my heartbeat went faster by almost double the speed....and my head spinning 360 degrees....and very quickly too....i felt like i was on a rollercoaster ride...even worse i think!!! it was so scary...i know that if i were standing, i'll definitely have fallen!!! so...yah.....i felt it so strongly that i'm kinda scared oso...know that need to cling onto GOD more and more!!!

today's thursday!!! been a superbly interesting day!!! well...of course i was superbly tired as well!!! so many things to do and yet i feel so sleepy!!! aiyo...just too much things to do lor...no choice rite...but i manage to finish one paper!! which is really good...of course still need a bit more editing but it's mainly done!! so...yay!!! and den, mom told me that mrs. henry phillips went back to be with the LORD tis afternoo...i remember how she alwiz come and speak to us even tho she had walking disability....how she's alwiz so encouraging and so nice...alwiz smiling!! but of course she's been bedridden for so long already...and after mr. henry phillips died, no more 100% attention given to her....and i guess it's good for mrs. henry phillips and also on her children that she's gone to a better place and be with the LORD!!! i will alwiz remember how this pair of husband and wife has touched my life....even though they never really said anything profound to me...their simple action of smiling and talking to me really touches my heart and mr. henry phillips conducted my baptism classes...he's so nice!!!
oh.....and i decided to write to a friend....who's very very very close to me!! and guess what? her bf finally proposed!!! my dearest friend, you have no idea how happy i am for u!!! u know who u are!! and i just wanna say that i'm really sooo happy for u and i really thank God for bringing you two together!! remember that nothings confirmed until u say "i do" at the aisle....but at this time, there'll be a lot of frustration even...with the wedding preparation but do cling onto God for HE is the one who has brought you two together yah!!! :)
take care okie dearie.....I'll do anything u want me to do...even if u need me to come back every weekend nearing the wedding date, i dont mind!! it's something that will happen to u oni once in a lifetime!! i wanna share in ur special day too yah!!!
yes babe...i love u....i better say this before ur husband-to-be stops me from saying it...yes...i loveeee u!!!!!

wow...altho tired as i am...i'm still so happy at the turn of events!!! hahaha.....
do take care yah everyone!!! God bless ya all......
